Thursday, May 27, 2010

shinas street lights

I had made a post complaining about the attack by unlicensed hooligan drivers of 2-wheelers attacking foreigner. I was a victim of one such attack, from which luckily I escaped without injuries.

I had also made a complaint to the ROP. However, I am yet to hear from them.

After the complaint, I noticed that the electric lamp posts were removed in the 1-km long stretch. It was just a coincidence, though!

For a moment, I thought it was in response to my complaint. By removing the street lights, the light-less scooters will have no chance of survival : so I thought that this was the right move in the right direction.

But this move became a menace for pedestrians like me as the entire area is totally dark and none can walk without light in the night.

Worse still, they have now replaced the lamp posts, but with less no. of support bolts on the foundation! It is a big mistake! Already one lamp post has fallen down. As the post is very long, collapses can happen unless properly anchored.

Now there are two problems - the bike hooligans continue their merry making and the increased risk of ill-fixed electric poles on the street! I was wrong to assume that my original problem would be solved; only one more problem was added to it!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Expat attacked in Shinas by bike hooligans

I was attacked on Friday evening by a bike hooligan by throwing a bottle at my neck. Every evening the speeding bikers with no registration and no insurance are a menace in the locality. I wonder if it is possible to alert the police higher ups and start police patrols to control the bikers. Also the ROP must consider making it mandatory to register any powered vehicle. Will someone take up the issue and alert the powerful people in government?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stolen Xterra Recovered!!!

It was recovered in less than 30 hours, using, of all things, Blogs and Twitter.

Special thanks to @yasserameer for finding the stolen car, and @Shweman retweeting my initial request. I can't tell you how grateful the people who own the car are to both of you. Great Job Guys!

Now please go out there and Find my missing 50" Panasonic flat screen TV!!!!!

Stolen Cars and Crazy Crime

Update: The Stolen Xterra was recovered thanks to an Alert Twitterer and blogger! Good Job guys!

The Crime here is getting ridiculous.

We have had at least seven break-ins in our small neighborhood alone, in the last three weeks. In the Last two months, 2 families with whom we are personally acquainted have had their cars stolen.

See Below for the forwarded email from some friends who have just had their new Exterra Nicked. Please keep your eyes peeled?

last night our house was broken into and the thief found a set of keys, and stole our 2009 Xterra Off Road. The truck has been modified by Tadmur Auto in Sharjah, with a custom skid plate, bigger tires, a lift and new suspension, so it is easy to spot.

Thank God the ROP are doing everything they can to reduce crime by hassling my housemaids and threatening arrest if they don't produce labor cards, and accusing any random Indian who has ever been in our house of robbery, simply on the Basis that they are Indian. The words that come to mind are unpublishable, even here.

Lock your doors guys, and keep your car keys somewhere safe.